Noticing is Awakening.

Listen to awaken more fully to the many possibilities of your life.
 Join us every Monday on our journey
to greater empowerment and joy!

In The Great Noticing, sisters and working moms MaryAnn and Emily explore how the simple act of noticing–that is, observing our own experience non-judgmentally, can enable personal and professional change. We discuss the impact of dismantling old narratives, breaking unhelpful cycles, and living more full and rewarding lives. Join us as insightful guests add their voices to the conversation and we journey together toward greater empowerment, freedom, and joy.



Speaking and Panel Engagements

Give your audience the gift of possibility…

MaryAnn and Emily have a message and tools that can remove blocks and open up the path to more productivity, empowerment, and joy.

‍They are ready to share it, and your group or team are ready to experience it!

Event Hosting and Emceeing

You need event hosts who engage your audience, set up your speakers for success, and captivate with their energy. MaryAnn and Emily are the dynamic duo that elevate the spirit of your event, gala, or conference and make it unforgettable!

meet the sisters

About Us


MaryAnn Means-Dufrene is the founder of Collective Growth, a strategy and culture consultancy. In her work advising, coaching, and facilitating, she supports leaders and teams, aligning organizations for greater engagement, empowerment, and resilience.
Read More…MaryAnn has experience leading and advising organizations in both the private and public sectors, connecting people to purpose and supporting transformational outcomes. She is a graduate of Texas A&M University with an undergraduate degree in psychology and earned her Master of Public Administration and Master of Strategic Human Resource Management degrees from the University of Texas at Arlington.


Emily McAnelly is the Vice President of Global Customer Success for, a digital dermatology AI startup. She supports her internal team by leading business development initiatives and account management strategy with global pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods, and healthcare organizations, growing partnerships that accelerate drug development and expand equitable access to dermatology care.
Read More…Emily’s experience leading teams and advising C-Suite leaders helps organizations maximize the potential of both internal relationships and their strategic partnerships. She graduated from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas with an undergraduate degree in Markets and Culture and a minor in Russian Studies. Emily, her husband, and two daughters live in Richmond, Virginia